Our mission is to provide process automation and control systems for the metals industry, covering the wide spectrum of Danieli technology, ranging from refining iron ore to processing long and flat products. Furthermore, we design and supply complete electrical distribution systems, up to turnkey solutions for steel industry, with installation engineering based on extensive experience and on the required standards. Additionally, we produce special instruments and sensors, designed and engineered to meet the demands from steel producers for sophisticated controls, quality certification, cost optimization and quick adaptation to the latest technologies.
since 1969
Through 45 years’ experience and over 400 plants operating worldwide, Danieli Automation assures the perfect integration of the different process units for a totally efficient production plant.
Innovation in automation for metal processing
Danieli Automation 3Q concepts
Our systems are designed according to the 3Q concept: Quality, Quantity, and Quickness. These are the primary targets of our efforts, which are focused on satisfying our customers’ needs and requirements.
Well-advanced solutions for customers’ requirements
All automation and electrical systems are designed and quality tested at Danieli Automation. Danieli Automation's main product lines are: automation and process control, instruments and robotic applications, electrical equipment and engineering, support and maintenance services.